Your Kids Are Under-Educated

Wil Moore III
4 min readJul 10, 2022

… and it’s your fault

You’ve heard it and so have I; parents, blaming teachers, blaming school administration, blaming the entire school system, for their children’s educational failures. What we don’t seem to hear is, these parents, placing the blame where it belongs. On themselves.

Photo by George Becker

Why would you blame the cogs in the system, when, you had the choice to buck the entire system in the first place. The US school system is rigged. It’s an antiquated system that is designed to keep you uninformed about how the world really works, and sets you up to be yet another cog in the system, just like the “teachers” that are baby-sitting them.

You could have home schooled them. But, you didn’t. Why? Because, you’re either too lazy to do so, not confident enough to do so, or, you don’t have enough time to do so because you’re a slave to your job.

…The early industrial capitalists spent a great deal of effort and time in the social condition of their labor force, especially in Sunday schools which were designed to inculcate middle class values and attitudes, so as to make the workers more susceptible to the incentives that the factory needed.

Why don’t we call it what it really is. School is a euphemism for day care. You send your kids to day care to be supervised by people that are not paid enough to care very much about your kids.

You do this so you can work a job you hate, so you can make just enough money to blow on consumerist products, because you aren’t educated well enough to know that your consumerism is keeping you poor.

You buy lottery tickets hoping for a lucky pay day … to set you free, but, little do you know that, you are further feeding into the same system that is keeping you a slave. The simple fact that you’d buy one of these tickets at all, proves you don’t understand how the system has you trapped.

Furthermore, you’re actively oppressing your kids by handing them over to the government, under the guise of sending them to school … you know, to get a great education. Sure, send them to a STEM school, so you can be proud of yourself for finagling them in. But guess what, it’s still a trap. They still won’t learn the things they need to learn to be truly free.

They are learning things that are going to make people that are already rich, more rich. You are selling your kids out and you don’t even know it, because, you’re too entrenched in your day to day grind to be able to take enough time to get the perspective you need to see the problem. You’ll never see the problem, because you aren’t free and you aren’t any closer today to being free than you were last year.

You’re still stuck “following your passion”, which is absolutely a death trap. Why? Well, I’m glad you asked. Following your passion, or obtaining your dream job is a trap. You’ll eventually just burn out and begin to hate your job. It will become mundane, boring, and soul sucking.

If you have a passion, it is better to become free first, so you have the option to choose when you want to work and when you want to play. If you logged into work, then, half-way through the day, got sleepy; ask yourself, could you choose to take a nap? No, you probably could not. So, you’re not free. You’re a slave.

You’re sending your kids off to slave school everyday. Then, you go brag to your friends that your kids are in one of the best school systems in the state. What you really mean is, your kids are in one of the best slave systems in the state. Do they learn about how the monetary system really works? Did they learn what fiat is and that it’s fake money?

Did they learn that they should be putting their money into cash-flowing assets, rather than a bank account that is slowing depleting their money due to fees? Did they learn that a 401K is riddled with fees that are essentially stealing your money? But, you couldn’t wait to sign-up just because your employer handed you a sign-up form.

