Jenkins Pipeline Parameter Guide

Wil Moore III
1 min readAug 15, 2022

While working on a Jenkins Pipeline project with several parameters; I found the official parameter documentation left something to be desired in terms of formatting, so I created this quick reference guide.


string (name: String, defaultValue: String, description: String)

string(name: '', defaultValue: '', description: '')


text (name: String, defaultValue: String, description: String)

text(name: '', defaultValue: '', description: '')


booleanParam (name: String, defaultValue: Boolean, description: String)

booleanParam(name: '', defaultValue: true, description: '')


choice (name: String, choices: String[], description: String)

choice(name: '', choices: ['true', 'false'], description: '')
choice(name: '', choices: 'true\nfalse', description: '')

It is recommended to use the array notation (i.e. the first option) rather than the second option. The second option is a bit of a hack and it looks messy due to the fact that you are dropping a literal \n (newline character) between the values ‘true’ and ‘false’.


password (name: String, defaultValue: String, description: String)

password(name: '', defaultValue: '', description: '')

